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The Center for Bright Beams, A National Science Foundation Science and Technology Center

Community Engagement

Conference Organization 

  • ICFA Space Charge Workshop, Hoffstaetter de Torquat, Liepe,
  • FCC Workshop, Hoffstaetter de Torquat
  • ERL 2024 Workshop, Hoffstaetter de Torquat
  • IPAC 2024, 2025, Liepe, Karkare, Musumeci,
  • 2024 International Linac Conference, Liepe
  • 21st Conference on RS Superconductivity, Liepe
  • International Landscape, Facilities, Projects Euronnac Workshop 2023 Musumeci (Chair)

Advisory Committees

  • IPAC 2022 Biedron
  • IPAC Scientific Advisory Board 2024 Karkare, Musumeci
  • Center for Predictive Simulation of Functional Materials Hennig
  • Brookhaven Science and Technology Steering Committee Hines
  • Center for Interfacial Electrochem. of Energy Matls. (NSF PREM) Hines
  • Basic Energy Science Advisory Committee Musumeci
  • Advanced Accelerator Concept Steering Committee Musumeci
  • University of Rochester Dean’s Advisory Ctte for Arts and Science; Local Organizing Committee , Physical Electronics Conference Sibener
  • Advisory Committee for the ZEUS Petawatt Laser Patterson

Review Panels 

  • Accelerator Physics Sub-Committee, DOE/SC Independent Project Review (IPR) for LCLS-II Status Piot
  • Electron-Ion collider review panel (DOE Nuclear Physics) Piot
  • NSF, DOE proposal reviewer Sibener

Award Committees

  • ISSNAF Touschek Award Committee Musumeci
  • IEEE PAST Doctoral Student Award Committee Musumeci

Community Organization and Planning

  • (AAAS), Div. of Physics Hines
  • European Research Council Program Panel Rosenzweig
  • GARD Accelerator and Beam Physics Roadmap Workshop, U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science, Office of High Energy Physics 2022 Karkare, Patterson, Piot
  • NAS EPP 2024; Elementary Particle Physics Progress and Promise Kim, Patterson
  • Education, Outreach and Diversity Committee of the APS Division of the Physics of Beams Patterson
  • Americas Linear Collider Committee Liepe, Patterson