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The Center for Bright Beams, A National Science Foundation Science and Technology Center

Hands-on Accelerator Training

People Equipment
AJ Dick
Gabriel Gaitan
Juan Pablo Gonzalez Aguilera
Cameron Duncan CESR
Samuel Levenson CESR
Eric Cropp HiRES beamline, 30keV DC gun, Pegasus beamline
William Li MEDUSA (Ultrafast Electron Diffraction Beamline)
Matthew Gordon MEDUSA (Ultrafast Electron Diffraction Beamline)
Gerard Lawler the laser systems used for photocathode illumination and the RF power used for accelerating cavities
Weijian Lin Cornell's test energy recovery linac test accelerator (CBETA), and virtually at BNL’s low energy RHIC electron cooling (LEReC)
Zeming Sun SRF cavity testing
Nathan Majernik UCLA’s SAMURAI and MOTHRA labs