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The Center for Bright Beams, A National Science Foundation Science and Technology Center

Past events

Full listing

1:00pm - 2:00pm

Practice for NSF poster session

1:00pm - 2:00pm

Open to poster presenters and EAB only.

More details provided in email to student lists.

2:30pm - 3:30pm

Open to all students – please attend to provide feedback.

More details provided in email to student lists.

7:00am - 11:00am

A symposium to discuss the development of energy recovery linac technology as part of the future of high-energy physics. The symposium is open to particle, nuclear, accelerator physicists, experimentalists and theorists, engineers and further interested colleagues. Talks will be presented on ERL Facilities, key technical challenges (high current sources and SRF), energy frontier collider (ep and e+e-) prospects, applications for low energy physics and industry as well as on the ERL promises for power economy, innovation and sustainability.

1:00pm - 2:00pm

Open to all students – please attend to provide feedback.

More details provided in email to student lists.


Hot Electrons and Integrated Photonics for Electron Emitters

Rehan Kapadia, University of Southern California

In this talk, we will discuss some of our recent work on how hot electronics and integrated photonics can be used to fabricate electron emitters. First, we show how hot-electron processes can dramatically reduce the optical power densities required for photoemission. Then, we discuss how integrated photonics can be used to create photocathodes exhibiting simultaneous high quantum efficiency, low mean transverse energy, and fast temporal response critical for next generation electron sources.

Zoom Info and further event details will be communicated through email by CBB Admin.