Beam Dynamics and Control Optimal Outcome:
To conserve the Brightness of beams from extreme-low MTE linac sources subject to intense Coulomb interactions (Conserve ), increased brightness of beams in storage rings (Cool ), and advanced techniques for the optimization of many-parameter accelerators (Control ). By ensuring that CBB advances in beam production and beam acceleration are realized in brightness at the target, this theme unifies the center’s research.
Download Beam Dynamics and Control Roadmap here .
Objective 1 (Conserve): Probe the ultimate limits of brightness conservation in the presence of collective effects in low MTE photoinjector beamlines.
Deliverable: Experimental demonstration of sub-nanometer emittance in at least one beamline with low bunch current with annual improvements thereafter (Annual, starting 2022).
Deliverable: Identification of beamlines for a potential experimental demonstration of the simultaneous generation of low emittance and high bunch charge, using CBB low-MTE photocathodes and diagnostics, and the development of possible experimental plans for identified beamlines (Spring 2023).
Deliverable: Characterization of the performance of photocathodes in either high field or high current conditions as needed to complete PHC Deliverables 2.1 and 2.2 (Annual, starting 2023).
Objective 2 (Cool): Develop methods for cooling beams using optical stochastic cooling to increase beam luminosity in next-generation colliders.
Deliverable: Proof-of-principle demonstrations of key elements of optical stochastic cooling at IOTA and CESR (Completed Spring 2022).
Deliverable: Proof-of-principle demonstrations of key elements of active optical stochastic cooling at IOTA or CESR (Summer 2025).
Deliverable: Configurations capable of the extremely high cooling rates needed for use in a future collider (Summer 2026).
Objective 3 (Control): Investigate advanced optimization schemes, including Machine Learning (ML) and parameter reduction techniques, for precision phase-space control of particle accelerator systems.
Deliverable: Electron Microcsope tuned using ML techniques whose performance is comparable to that of traditional operator tuning (Completed Summer 2022).
Deliverable: Electron Microscope whose higher-order aberrations are tuned using ML techniques, replacing the regular maintenance interventions by microscope company specialists that are required to keep the conventional alignment software operational (Summer 2025).
Deliverable: Methods for efficient tuning of accelerators (Summer 2025).
Deliverable: Summary of the boundaries of applicability of ML in accelerators (Fall 2026, stretch).